Collection: Disposable Gloves

ProGuard Gloves

We offer 2 different types of lead gloves: sterile radiographic protection gloves, heavy lead gloves.

ProGuard radiographic protection gloves offset the danger of scatter beam radiation exposure and direct x-ray beam radiation. Throughout procedures requiring the use of fluoroscopy, high tactile attenuation gloves will reduce the amount of radiation you are exposed to while still enabling a successful procedure. Protech's world renowned attenuation glove brand, ProGuard, is now latex free and comes in 3 models: RR1, RR2, RR3. We also have sleeves.

Heavy duty lead gloves are made for positioning, veterinary, or other procedures requiring heavy x-ray use.


RadiaXon Gloves
RadiaXon radiation protection gloves are sterile single-use gloves used for the purpose of attenuation of scattered and of stray radiation. 

This hand specific device is a personal protective shield intended for use during medical procedures i.e. fluoroscopic procedures, in order to protect the operator or other persons from unnecessary exposure to radiation.